LAPD Traffic Collision Report – How do I get a copy?

LAPD officer writing <a href=down notes for a police report about a car collision." width="300" height="169" />

You were in a car accident in the City of Los Angeles and the insurance company is now requesting a copy of the traffic collision report (TCR). How do you get one? Further, what does it show?

You can get a traffic collision report from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) by either requesting one online or through the United States Mail.

Online request for LAPD crash report

U.S. Mail request for LAPD crash report

  1. Download and complete a Traffic Collision Report Request,
  2. Obtain a $11.00 check or money order (no cash) made payable to the LAPD (if you want a traffic collision photo, include an additional check or money order for $5.00), and
  3. Send your completed report request and payment to:

Los Angeles Police Department
Records and Identification Division
Document Processing Unit
P.O. Box 30158
Los Angeles, CA 90030

For questions, please contact 1-800-ASK-LAPD (1-877-275-5273) or go to TCRs involving an arrest, a juvenile under 18, or a fatality are generally available only through the mail, not online.

Note that a traffic collision report is a document that summarizes all of the details regarding a car accident. The police officer who responds to the incident usually writes the document .

1. Who can request a California traffic accident report?

Per California Vehicle Code 20012, the following people can request an LAPD report:

2. How long does it take to get?

You have to wait 45 days from the collision date before requesting a traffic collision report. This is so that LAPD can review and approve the report for release. 2

Per the LAPD’s website, once you make a request, there is currently a minimum of two months for LAPD to process the report request. 3

If you want to receive an update on when your request might get processed, you can call (213) 486-8100.

3. Are there accident reports that you cannot get online?

While you can obtain most collision reports online, there are certain types of reports that you can only receive via a request through the U.S. Mail. These reports include:

  1. traffic collision reports that involve an arrest, fatality, or juvenile, and
  2. traffic collision reports issued prior to February 1, 2016.

4. What information is in an accident report?

A police officer usually responds to the scene of a car accident shortly after the accident occurs. An accident report is the officer’s summary of their investigation of the accident scene.

The report usually includes the following information:

5. How do I get a CHP accident report?

The quickest way to obtain a California Highway Patrol accident report is through the CHP’s online portal.

Otherwise, fill out the CHP 190 – Collision Request Form and attach a photocopy of your state driver’s license or identification card. Then bring it to a local CHP office or mail it to 601 North 7th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. It is recommended you call CHP at 1-800-835-5247 to see if they require a fee.

6. Can a car accident lawyer help?

Yes. If you were involved in a traffic collision, you should consult with an accident attorney or personal injury lawyer for help.

An attorney or law firm often assists by:

In our experience as auto accident attorneys, injured drivers recover larger payouts from insurance companies when represented by a California auto accident lawyer.

Additional Reading

For more information, see our related articles by our California personal injury attorneys:

Legal References:

  1. California Vehicle Code 20012.
  2. See, “Obtain a Traffic Collision Report.” Note that TCRs are also called Los Angeles traffic accident reports and Los Angeles accident investigation reports.
  3. See, “How Can I Make/Obtain a Traffic Collision Report?”