Over the past century, after the slew of technological revolutions and advancements, the need for safe transportation of goods and people over a distance at higher speed has become an important part of the living and in particular, with the progression. With major advancements in the automotive industry, from the very first car that clocked just 10 miles per hour to the latest electric and autonomous vehicles, personal transportation has seen an exponential growth. With the number of vehicles and users increasing day by day, the safety and security aspects of the vehicles have become inevitable. Every step towards safer and secure practices requires many technological changes based on the past study and observations; thus, keeping in mind the needs and demands of the modern population, automakers all over the world are focusing on these features of the vehicles.
Two very interdependent as well as significant properties of automobiles are safety and security. Vehicles need to be protected from accidental failures as well as premeditated attacks as they can easily lead to catastrophic consequences. This chapter discusses various radical and essential concepts pertaining to safety and security of automotive systems.
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